This is our most popular system and cell design. It is for the study of percutaneous absorption alone. It incorporates the LG-1084 flow-through penetration cell and is available in three standard sizes to accommodate various skin/membrane samples. The o-ring method of attachment is not used; instead, the skin or membrane sample is clamped between the two glass surfaces using our LGA-Clamp. Access to the skin or membrane is through the open-ended top.

1084 - Penetration Cell (L)


Item # LGA-1084-LPCT & LGA-1084-LPC

The LGA-1084-LPC cell exposes approximately 5cm2 of the skin or membrane sample to the receptor solution. The receptor compartment is funnel-shaped for maximum mixing.  Receptor volume: 5.5ml.  The two flat surfaces are clamped together using our LGA-clamp.

1084 - Penetration Cell (M)


Item # LGA-1084-MPCT & LGA-1084-MPC

The LGA-1084-MPC exposes a sample area of approximately 3.1cm2. The receptor compartment is funnel- shaped for maximum mixing. Receptor volume: 4.5ml.  The two flat surfaces are clamped together using our LGA-clamp. .

1084 - Penetration Cell (S)


Item # LGA-1084-SPCT & LGA-1084-SPC

The LGA-1084-SPC exposes a sample area of approximately 1cm2. The skin or membrane sample needs to be only slightly larger. Receptor volume: 3ml