Evaporation Cell


Product Code: LGA-1083-EC

This cell exposes a 1.1cm diameter circle (.950cm2) of skin or membrane to a controlled air flow. It attaches to a penetration cell (LGA-1083-PC) with a pinch clamp. It is water jacketed to help control the air temperature above the skin or membrane.

The water jacket ports are 4 mm in diameter. Air (or another gas) enters through four 5mm inlet ports and exists through a vapor trap.

The tip of the vapor trap is held 10mm above the surface of the skin or membrane.

Penetration Cell


Product Code: LGA-1083-PC

An all-glass flow-through cell for determining percutaneous penetration. This cell in its standard form exposes a 1 cm diameter area (.785cm2) of the dermal side of the skin or membrane to a 3.2ml volume of receptor solution. Continuous flow is possible through luer-fitted inlet and outlet ports. The cell is water-jacketed for close control of the receptor solution temperature. The water jacket ports are 4mm diameter. A magnetic stir bar prevents solution inhomogeneity. Skin or membrane is attached to the cell with an o-ring, so that when an evaporation cell is not used there is unobstructed access to the skin or membrane surface.